Ifjúságicsere beszámoló | Active youth

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Két rövid, angol beszámoló az Active youth projektről.

I had a fantastic experience participating in the Erasmus+ project in Murzasichle, Zakopane, focused on Active Youth and Visual Thinking. Representatives from Poland, Hungary, Latvia, and Romania came together for this enriching event. Throughout the project, we engaged in various activities designed to foster teamwork and creativity, including workshops on visual thinking techniques that encouraged us to express ideas through images and symbols.

One of the highlights was our hiking trip to the Tatra Mountains. Additionally, we had the opportunity to explore Zakopane, immersing ourselves in the local culture and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere.

Overall, this project not only enhanced our skills in communication and collaboration but also allowed us to build lasting friendships across borders. I truly believe this experience will have a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth.

By Nurlan


This project in the Poland was one of the most memorable ones I have participated in. We had a perfect fascilitator, and a kind and very good Hungarian team. I loved that everyone was a friend, and they always helped each other. There was nice people from Polish and Romanian teams.

The workshops was nice, because it was not so strict. And we as a participants needed to be the main part of sessions, coming up with ideas, sometimes even with random things that we included in the tasks and had an awesome and unexpected results that made it all the more interest.
I am glad that I participated in this project, and I made good friends that I am still in contact with. Getting to know new and interesting people are one of the best feelings for me.
Thank you for letting me be part of this awesome experience.

By Isi

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